I am writing a book about Razor Pages

I am writing a book about Razor Pages

We’re using the @row[“ColumnName”] syntax to access the values in each column of the DataTable. The Razor syntax is used to bind data, process logic, implement conditional statements, and more. This book will help you gain a complete understanding of the framework and modern web application development techniques.

  • You can also check out the video course prepared by the community, based on this tutorial.
  • Open your database and enter a few sample rows, so you can show them on the listing page.
  • ASP.NET Core projects are classified into ASP.NET Core MVC and ASP.NET Core Razor Pages.
  • A typical AccountController normally has the following actions.
  • Introduced as part of ASP.NET Core, and now included in .NET 5, ASP.NET Razor Pages is a server-side, page-focused framework that enables building dynamic, data-driven web sites with clean separation of concerns.

Affordable solution to train a team and make them project ready. Let’s create a FOR loop specify ‘@i’ inside the curly braces, which is essentially telling Razor to put the value of i. The Razor parser is smart enough to switch between C# code and HTML and again, from HTML back into C# code when we need to place our closing curly brace here.


Razor Pages is a programming model that make project development more productive than when using views and controllers. ASP.NET Core projects are classified into ASP.NET Core MVC and ASP.NET Core Razor Pages. Our next step is to implement our OnPost method, which will process our incoming form data, and assign it to our TempData property. After storage, we want to redirect the page to the OnGet handler of our page.

  • Ideal candidates can be About Us, Contact Us, and Site Map pages.
  • To add a controller right-click on the controller folder in the solution explorer and select Add → Controller.
  • The syntax is a bit clunky when you need to transition from C# code back to HTML and from HTML code back into C# code.
  • This is by convention but if you want to create a folder with some other name then you have to tell ASP.NET where the Razor Pages are located.
  • ASP.NET Core 2.0 introduced the concept of Razor Pages and it was a useful addition to the existing features of .NET Core.

Razor Pages are self-contained files similar to PHP files, XAML controls, or ASP.NET Web Forms and as compared to MVC, they follow a different approach of building web pages using ASP.NET Core. They allow developers to mix HTML and server-side C# directly within a single file without the need of creating Controllers, View Models, etc. These pages can coexist with traditional MVC and Web API controllers within the same project and can be used for scenarios where you need to build simple pages without too much logic in them. Ideal candidates can be About Us, Contact Us, and Site Map pages. If you are not a big fan of mixing HTML and C# in a single file or your page logic is becoming more complex, then you are also allowed to put your C# code in a separate file attached to Razor Page.

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Blazor and Razor are two important terms when it comes to .NET-based web application development. Instead of classic MVC, we will use the new Razor Pages UI approach which is recommended by Microsoft. If you’re familiar with the life cycle of an ASPX file, then you’re probably aware that there’s a dependency on the ASP.NET runtime to be available to parse and execute those ASPX files.

razor pages tutorial

We’re then converting the result to an integer value using the Convert.ToInt32 method. In this example, we’re using the Select method to filter the rows in the DataTable based on a set of criteria. We’re then using the CopyToDataTable method to create a new DataTable that contains only the filtered rows. We have created the Blazor application with Razor components.

ASP.NET Core Razor Pages Tutorial for Beginners

For example, you can use the Compute method to perform aggregate calculations on the data, such as computing the sum or average of a column. In this example, we’re using the DefaultView property to sort the data by the Name column in descending order. We’re then using the ToTable method to create a new DataTable that contains the sorted data. In this example, we’re using the @foreach directive to iterate over the rows in the DataTable and generate HTML markup for a table.

  • As you may already know, when we add controllers in an MVC application, they are added to the Controllers folder and all the views reside in the Views folder.
  • If you are not a big fan of mixing HTML and C# in a single file or your page logic is becoming more complex, then you are also allowed to put your C# code in a separate file attached to Razor Page.
  • If you compare these two blocks of code, I think you’ll agree that the Razor version is easier to read and easier to write.
  • Alex has worked for companies of nearly every size, ranging from small start-ups to very large enterprises.
  • Datatables plugin is configured in the startup template, so you can directly use it in any page without including any style or script file to your page.

This is by convention but if you want to create a folder with some other name then you have to tell ASP.NET where the Razor Pages are located. If you are using Visual Studio 2019, then you simply need to right-click on the Pages folder inside your solution explorer and choose Razor Pages… option from the context menu. Razor Pages is the default for building server-side web applications in ASP.NET Core. Components within the underlying MVC framework still have their uses such as using controllers for building RESTful APIs.

Razor Pages is suitable for all kinds of developers from beginners to enterprise level. It is also relatively easy for the beginner to learn, and it includes all of the advanced features of ASP.NET Core (such as dependency injection) making it just as suitable for large, scalable, team-based projects. In summary, the DataTable class is a powerful tool for working with tabular data in ASP.NET.

  • Login Page normally requires two actions with different HTTP verbs GET and POST.
  • You need to first create a folder named Pages and then right-click the folder, select the Add option, and select Razor Page to create a new Razor Page.
  • It provides the developer with full control over rendered HTML.
  • We have created an ASP.NET Core Razor Pages project with Razor syntax.

Free C#, .Net and Sql server video tutorial for beginners and intermediate programmers. The people at Manning (publishers of the In Action series) got in touch with me, and before I asp net razor tutorial knew it, I was proposing a book on Razor Pages to them, with me as the author. Sign up to get immediate access to this course plus thousands more you can watch anytime, anywhere.

Microsoft wanted Razor to be smart, to make a developer’s job easier. If you have too many properties in your model then you may use [BindProperties] attribute on your entire class rather than specifying [BindProperty] with each property. Accessing a Razor page is even more straightforward; as no routing is involved by default, the path to the file on disk is used to calculate the URL and decide which Razor Page needs to be served in the browser. For example, the following URL will display a Razor Page Products.cshtml available in /Pages folder. If there is server code in the web page, server executes that code first then send response to the browser.

Select Empty from the Template dropdown and click Add button. Visual Studio will create an Index.cshtml file inside the View/Home folder. The syntax is a bit clunky when you need to transition from C# code back to HTML and from HTML code back into C# code.

Razor components in Blazor

In this chapter, we will look at the Razor view engine in ASP.NET MVC applications and some of the reasons why Razor exists. Razor is a markup syntax that lets you embed server-based code into web pages using C# and VB.Net. It is now time to run the page in the browser so let’s add a simple heading in your razor view and run your project. To access the Products Razor Page, we just created above, type /Products in your browser URL just after your site’s main URL and you will see the following page rendered in the browser.

[contact-form-7 404 "Not Found"]